
Showing posts from November, 2020

Powdery Mildew on Mango

            Hey, Welcome Back to Another blog !!!            We will continue the discussion on the Common disease that has an effect on the Mango. We will start by a fungal disease mostly known as Powdery Mildew. It is harmful to leaves, flower and fruit.  Powdery mildew on Mango Causal Organism -  Oidium mangiferae           Powdery mildew of mango is an Ascomycete pathogen Belonging to the Erysiphales family.  Oidium mangiferae appears in spring, from December through March. Disease symptoms of Powdery Mildew on Mango- The characteristic symptom of the disease is the white superficial powdery fungal growth on leaves stalks of panicles, flowers and young fruits. The affected flowers and fruits drop pre-maturely reducing the crop load considerably or might even prevent the fruit set. The fungus parasitizes young tissues of all parts of the inflorescence, leaves and fruits. Young leaves are attacked on both the sides but it is more conspicuous on the

The First Blog Post – Introduction to Common Diseases on Mango (Mangifera indica)

Mango Hello, and welcome to the first-ever blog on the Nerd Botanist. If you are a plant enthusiast and Botany Lover It’s the perfect place for you to stroll and take a look about topics that will interest you. We will kick off this Blog with mini-series about common diseases on our beloved Mango. This blog is written with language that is easily digestible by all. We have tried to simplify the term as possible. Mango is the king of the Fruit and most commonly found in the Konkan region. The fruit is widely cultivated over a larger area. It is a seasonal fruit which blossoms once a year. So it’s mandatory to keep a check on the diseases that affect the fruit of mango. Mango is exported in large number and generates large foreign currency. The economic importance makes it and priority in your list for people to know about varies diseases infecting the entire plant and take precaution in order to maximize the yield and reducing the spoilage. Beautiful Mango           You may have Q