Powdery Mildew on Mango

Hey, Welcome Back to Another blog !!! We will continue the discussion on the Common disease that has an effect on the Mango. We will start by a fungal disease mostly known as Powdery Mildew. It is harmful to leaves, flower and fruit. Powdery mildew on Mango Causal Organism - Oidium mangiferae Powdery mildew of mango is an Ascomycete pathogen Belonging to the Erysiphales family. Oidium mangiferae appears in spring, from December through March. Disease symptoms of Powdery Mildew on Mango- The characteristic symptom of the disease is the white superficial powdery fungal growth on leaves stalks of panicles, flowers and young fruits. The affected flowers and fruits drop pre-maturely reducing the crop load considerably or might even prevent the fruit set. The fungus parasitizes young tissues of all parts of the inflores...