The First Blog Post – Introduction to Common Diseases on Mango (Mangifera indica)



Hello, and welcome to the first-ever blog on the Nerd Botanist. If you are a plant enthusiast and Botany Lover It’s the perfect place for you to stroll and take a look about topics that will interest you. We will kick off this Blog with mini-series about common diseases on our beloved Mango. This blog is written with language that is easily digestible by all. We have tried to simplify the term as possible.

Mango is the king of the Fruit and most commonly found in the Konkan region. The fruit is widely cultivated over a larger area. It is a seasonal fruit which blossoms once a year. So it’s mandatory to keep a check on the diseases that affect the fruit of mango. Mango is exported in large number and generates large foreign currency. The economic importance makes it and priority in your list for people to know about varies diseases infecting the entire plant and take precaution in order to maximize the yield and reducing the spoilage.


Beautiful Mango

        You may have Question regarding the choice of kicking off the blog with Mango. The answer is pretty straight forward, we are in late November the Mango season Begins in the next 2 months or so, If Proper precaution is to be taken then losses can be avoided. That means more yield to the farmer and we get abundant healthy fresh Mango this Mango season. I will be more than satisfied we keep check on this disease and help farmers to avoid the losses. We don’t want another heartbreak after a year with corona.

In the Next Blog we will be talking about the First Disease on our hand.

Link below

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