Mango Malformation

 Hello Nerds!!!! Welcome to yet another blog. Today the next common disease on Mango is Mango Malformation, which adversely affects the inflorescence of the Mango please make sure to read every short bit of information provided in this blog. 

Mango Malformation 1

Mango Malformation 1

Disease symptoms

  • Vegetative malformation: Vegetative malformation is pronounced in young seedlings. The affected seedlings develop vegetative growths which are abnormal growth, swollen and have very short internodes.
  • Floral malformation: The flower buds are transformed into vegetative buds and a a large number of small leaves and stems, which are characterized by appreciably reduced internodes and give an appearance of witches‟ broom. The flower buds seldom open and remain dull green.


Mango Malformation 2

Mango Malformation 2

Survival and spread

  • The disease is mainly spread via infected plant material. Mango malformation disease spreads slowly within affected orchards.
  • The mango bud mite, Aceria mangiferae, has been associated with mango malformation disease as wounds from the mites‟ feeding activity are thought to facilitate fungal infection.

Favourable conditions

  •    Moist weather favours the development of disease.
Next Blog we will Taking about another Disease on Mango Please click o the below link to Know More

Sooty Mold On Mango 


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